Autoresponder Integration

Peter Onwe

We are currently working on Integrating Autoresponders to EmailWritr so that you will be able to export the emails you create to your autoresponder at one click


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Tri Ryuzaki

Mailercloud, Moosend


Gary Maynard

One more vote for GrooveMail


Ramjee Meena

hey Peter. Grooveemail is well known and a brand . we from india are huge in number to use thsi service of groovecm. please consider to integrate groovemail with emailwriterr


JC Cohn

Do you think you could add GrooveMail when it comes available?


Peter Onwe

Hey JC, thanks for reaching out.

Is that a tool you're working on?

I'm kin to know more


JC Cohn

It’s not a product I own. It’s part of the Groove(.)cm platform that has multiple apps associated with it and that’s one of them.


Ramjee Meena

hey Peter. Grooveemail is well known and a brand . we from india are huge in number to use thsi service of groovecm. please consider to integrate groovemail with emailwriterr


Ramjee Meena

hey Peter. Grooveemail is well known and a brand . we from india are huge in number to use thsi service of groovecm. please consider to integrate groovemail with emailwriterr


paul newell

It's now a long time to get the Integration of SMTP or any other in a list to use??? When can we see ?


Peter Onwe

Hey Paul, we have plans to integrate as many autoresponders as possible, but the problem we’re having is that most of those autoresponders do not have an endpoint that’ll allow us to push email from our platform to theirs.

So, this has always been a major challenge.

We've tried a few, like Kirim email, and in the end, the endpoint they gave us didn't work out well.

However, we've been able to integrate Pabbly connect, so that you can push with our Api.

But we're not giving up on this.... we'll keep working on it

Thanks for your understanding and patience.


Peter Onwe

Hey Paul, firs of all, i appologize for the late response. I must have missed your message when it came in.

With regards to your request, we're connecting with Flodesk Team at the moment to see if we can work things out with them. We actually have our own API that will help us integrate with any platform, but the challenge is in getting a CRM that has an endpoint we can connect with. So many autoresponders don't have an API that allows people to push an email from a third-party app. The email must be curated within their platform or copied. And that's the challenge we've been having, But we now have Pabbly Connect, which makes this easier, and we also want to build a unique webhook as well.


Debo Ogunrinde

This will be awesome, can't wait...


Universal Designz

Is this live or dead as well?


Al Ford

Add ActiveCampaign please!



Love it


Amey Vidvans

hello Peter,
Any update on this?


Drew Shreeves

I have Wioshpond, but use SEnd Shark also known as GVO or Nowlifestyle


Ed Ferrigan

I use Automizy and Wishpond


Peter Onwe

We've successfully completed VBOUT integration and we're now working on Kirim Integration


kas gm

Why not make your own autoresponder?


Jordache Johnson



J Young

Please add an integration for FluentCRM

  • D

Peter Onwe

Status changed to: In progress


Peter Onwe

Status changed to: In Progress